Scale Day v18.0

All week long I kept reminding myself that last week I only lost 0.3 pounds, I did this to encourage myself to stick to my goals and move forward.  I felt it was a week of getting back to basics, which was great but it was hard.  The whole week felt hard, mostly because of Halloween and being surrounded by candy.  Candy isn’t normally my downfall, usually it’s the bag of chips, but I’m a moderation junky who has made peace with the bag.  I was not prepared however for how attracted I was to the bag of candy.  Several weeks ago I promised myself a piece of candy IF I kept away from it all until after Trick-or-Treating.  Many many times over the last week I got flashbacks, to a time pre-healthy journey, and I’d find myself walking to the junk food.  Before I reached for calories I didn’t need I’d physically shake myself out of it, but wow, those flashbacks were strong.  Staying vigilant and talking myself down off the ledge was a reoccurring pattern this week.  I almost tried to talk myself into taking a week off, can you image how many pounds I could pack on in a week if I let myself go, not to mention all the work I would have to put in to get myself back on track, eek, no thank you.  I suffered through a hard week and I am glad I made it without going off the deep end.

When I got up this am, knowing it was scale day, I was apprehensive.  Not because I didn’t stick to my goals, because I did.  My average daily water intake was 7.6 16oz glasses (124.8 oz) of water, my average calorie total was right on point, I worked out everyday and hit my goals with minutes, 400.  I even did better on getting enough sleep.  It may have been an emotional week, but it was a super goal hitting week.  Finally I pulled myself out of bed.  I was surprised what the scale said.  Last week it said 146.1 (remember I’m only 5′ 2″), I was really hoping for 145 something, but that is not what it said.  I weigh 144.6, that’s a 1.5 pound loss!!  A 4 week loss of 4.7 and a 20.5 pound loss since the beginning!!!  OMG, I have one week before the end of my next goal and only 0.3 pounds to go.  It is so time to start a new short-term goal: lose 3 more pounds before Thanksgiving!!

What did I learn this week.  If I let myself get caught up in the food holiday I make life hard.  Good lesson to learn when we are about to face two more food holidays shortly.  The other lesson: stick to my goals and they WILL take care of me.  The theme that really worked for me was using up my entire calorie limit.  The week before I didn’t do that everyday and I had a tiny loss.  I also did well in spreading out my calories and didn’t go too long without eating.

Oh and I did reward myself with one piece of candy, a little milky way, which are not my favorite.  Don’t get me wrong, that milky way tasted wonderful.  I didn’t buy my favorites this year, pb cups and snickers, I’m stronger now, but I now better than to push myself too far!!

How did your week go?  Did you stick to your goals? Are you going to do something different this week?  I’m sticking with my goals, every single one of them!!!

2 thoughts on “Scale Day v18.0

  1. If you were a sports team, I would be in your cheering section with my pom-poms, yelling at the top of my lungs, “Go Sidney! You can do it!” Because it is true! I think you’ve done a fabulous job.
    ~ Gina
    P.S. I’m not a candy person either, but hand me a bag of Dorito’s and I’ll finish the whole bag by my self. 😉

    • Thank you so much Gina!! Reading your posts have helped me so much over these many months, I’m very thankful for you!!! I’ve got another week before my Nia training starts (Nov 12-18). I’m still working on notes for the grandparents, planning my breakfasts/lunches/snacks/dinners (all of which I’ll be taking with me), what to wear…getting organized will help, along with my positive attitude 😉

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