Scale Day v41.0

Almost there, but not quite. Three weeks ago I was 130.5 and I’m almost back there. Now I’m 130.9. Geez louise! Since mid-January I have been less than 5-pounds away from goal (130.0). Why is it taking so long? Could it be that I have not averaged over 300-minutes of working out in a week since 2011 or that I have not averaged 200-minutes of working out in a week since FEBRUARY!

It could also mean that I’ve struggled a little bit with moderation, but I’m pulling that one back into place.

The NOT working out IS my biggest problem.

When I am active everything else seems to fall in place. I drink more water, I eat better and I get to sleep on time…so I get up on time and workout again…

Sure it’s possible that this is just a cycle that I needed to go through to test my limits, but I don’t have to like it.

Maybe by changing my path I’ll start a new path that will actually get me to my goals. I’ll start again with new knowledge and refreshed respect for the journey. Positive thinking at its finest.

I’m not sure how long it will take me to get to goal weight, but I also suspect I’ll make a new goal once I get there…this journey is not about to end, it’s about to transition and aren’t transitions the hardest!!??!!

Alright, so what are the facts from this past week? I averaged 100 calories over my limit, I made my water goal every day, got enough sleep everyday and got 170-minutes of exercise with 4-workouts. That’s really not bad, but it only gave me a 0.2 pound loss. 700 extra calories and missing workout isn’t going to get me to goal.

Okay, for this week I want to see 5-workouts, calorie and water limits and good sleep. I can do this.

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